I would like to thank the follwoing persons for their help:
        (No particular order)

Angela Schmidt
Blaine Wolf
Chris Brundell
David Oakes
Ivo Kroone
John Svendsen
Legendary Design Technologies 
Merle Ilgenfritz 
Mikael Johansson
Pauli Porkka     
Richard Smedley
Robert Davis  
Roy Erik Saga
Tomas Olexy/Sezam Software
Urban D Mueller
Vegard Pedersen
Bill Falls
Nico Barbat (Dire/Eremation)
Jan Soppart (Author of a german 'cdrom.guide')
Don Hamilton
Catherine Rath
Paul Delaney
Errol  (EM Computergraphic)
Daniel Wolf
Henrik Nordberg
Josef Wollersberger
Chiozzi Pascal
NIELS van Willigenburg

Special thanks to Johan Eriksson, Rönnvägen 1, S-642 32 FLEN, who
several times have contributed with a lot of info!!

        I hope I didn't forget anyone!

[tell me if I did...]

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